STUDY UP to impress your friends
Biscuit(S): The disc(S)
Tang(s): The cue(s)
Biscuit caddy/Basket: The wooden box that holds the biscuits
COURT: the 52 foot long floor court
Board: All of the court other than the shooting areas
yellow / Black: Each team will play a color (choose carefully)
Frame: Each game of shuffleboard has 8 frames
KITCHEN/10 off: The scoring area closest to the standing area which is -10 points (Stay out of the kitchen)
10: The triangular 10 point area at the Tip top of the scoring area
8: the two areas inside the painted lines marked 8
7: the two areas inside the painted lines marked 7
CAPTAIN SCOTT: Our MAJESTIC league director (you’ll want to get to know this guy)
Advanced lingo
Alley: The 2-foot AREA PARALLEL TO either side of the board.
APRON: The Shooting area.
Block: a disc that is shot and positioned in a way that obstructs one's opponent from targeting a particular live disc.
Bump: “BUMP” a target disc to MOVE it forward AND make it a scoring disc.
CALL: DETERMINE iF a disc is scoring or not.
DR NUT: where you put your drinks
Dead BISCUIT: A disc which is out of play because it has touched an alley or a live disc that has been declared “dead” Due to violations or penalties. Dead Biscuit must be removed from the area.
Deep: A position of a scoring disc that is close to but not touching the line directly behind it.
Dividing triangle: Area dividing the two sides of the kitchen (it’s still - 10 points)
Double-soup: Having two biscuits in the kitchen at once
FOOT of the court: Non-chalkboard scoring board side of the playing area
Head of the court: Chalkboard scoring board side of playing area
Hammer: The last disc to be shot.
ILSA: Illinois Shuffleboard Association.
Pepperoni: Scoring all four of your biscuits in one frame
Lag line: The second line on the court you must reach for a legal shot
Liner: A live disc sitting on a line
Pigeon: A disc on the line 7/10-off line with a significant portion within the 7, which is liable to be bumped up into the 10-off, leaving the striking disc as a scoring disc in the 7.
Scoreboard/Silent captain: The display board used to record player or team scores at the completion of each frame, located at the head of each court.
Snuggle: Place a scoring disc close in front of a live disc.
St. Pete: A guard which is about hallway between the apex of the scoring diagram and the edge of the court. A St. Pete is usually an effective guard for a player when positioned on the same side of the court as the player's opponent. Also CROSS GUARD, CROSS PILOT.
Tampa: A guard that is near one side of the apex of the scoring diagram. A Tampa is usually an effective guard for a player when positioned on the same side of the apex as the player. Also PILOT.
for future professionals
Thank you to Clearwater Shuffleboard Club for the glossary!
The most iconic folks
in shuffleboard
If you’ve ever sipped a Shuffleboard Bob then you’ve paid tribute to Arizona Hall Of Famer ‘Shuffleboard Bob’ Zalatel… an incredible player, a published author of multiple books on strategy and one of the game’s greatest ambassadors.
Earl Ball is seen by many as the greatest shuffler of all time. In 2017 he earned the coveted ‘Green Jacket’ for collecting 1000 points in pro tournament wins. He’s been inducted into the FSA, NSA, and ISA hall of fames and has been a mentor to all of us at The Palms.
Myrna Bilton is the president of the International Shuffleboard Association has taught us everything about what it means to create a loving and inclusive community around this game we all love so much.
A non-complete list of our favorite Royal Palms cocktails named after our Shuffleboard Heroes: Christine Page, Sam Allen, Beth Allen, Jim Allen, Floyd Swem, Karl Von Shuler, Henry Strong, Doris Hanke, Mats Graff Wang, Glen Peltier, Pam and Phil Hill, Lary Faris, Mary Eldridge, Joan Cook, Omero Catan, Stan Williamson, Glen Monroe, Lakeside, Clearwater and of course Mirror Lake.
lingo to use as you play
lingo to use as you play ~